– 日月光簡報製作範本 –
– 使用指南 –
1. Introduction
In this manual, you’ll find instructions and guidelines on how to edit your ASE presentation slides.
2. Template guide
To edit your presentation slides, download the PowerPoint file and input relevant details here.
Note: Download the font files prior to using the template.
1. 基本介紹
本手冊包含 Power Point 簡報母片(.pptx) 檔案,並於檔案中預設範本格式供應用。請詳閱本手冊規範並依需求使用對應的檔案。
2. 執行規定
– 簡報設計 –
By adhering to the original design and layout as described in this manual, you may create your presentation slides with text, graphics, charts, etc.

– 內容編輯 –
To edit your presentation slides, fill in the relevant information within each editable field. To ensure consistency in the overall design, please edit by using the suggested fonts, font sizes, and colors.
Fixed images and fields 不可更動項目
Fields 欄位:
- 1 ~ 3 fields 欄
Background Color 背景色:
- White 白色
- Gray 灰色
Font 字型:
- Chinese 中文:Noto Sans TC Medium
- English 英文:Prompt Medium
Font size 字體大小:54
Font 字型:
- Chinese 中文:Noto Sans TC Medium
- English 英文:Prompt Medium
Font size 字體大小:16
Font 字型:
- Chinese 中文:Noto Sans TC Medium
- English 英文:Prompt Medium
Font size 字體大小:54
Font 字型:
- Chinese 中文:Noto Sans TC Medium
- English 英文:Prompt Medium
Font size 字體大小:36
Font 字型:
- Chinese 中文:Noto Sans TC Medium
- English 英文:Prompt Medium
Font size 字體大小:
- Level 1 第一層:28
- Level 2 第二層:24
- Level 3 第三層:20
Replace the format with a square
Font 字型:
- Chinese 中文:Noto Sans TC Medium
- English 英文:Prompt Medium
Font size 字體大小:32
Use built-in item design
Font 字型:
- Chinese中文:Noto Sans TC Medium
- English英文:Prompt Medium
Font size 字體大小:54

– 檔案下載 –
Ensure that you download the font files prior to using the templates.