Where ASE Fits In
Positioned as a critical link in the electronics supply chain, ASE is the leading global provider of advanced semiconductor assembly and test services.
Satellite Communications
ASE innovates advanced packaging to deliver its Satellite Communication SiP Module to the global communications market.
New Energy for Smart Mobility
Explore ASE’s suite of products and services that will power your automotive applications with higher reliability, integration and efficiency.
ASE VIPack™ FOCoS-Bridge integrates multiple ASICs and silicon bridges to accelerate AI innovation.
Opening a New Chapter in ASE's Smart Journey
ASE was inducted into the WEF’s Global Lighthouse Network. A prestigious recognition of the company’s strategic adoption of 4IR technologies to successfully raise productivity and shorten customers’ time-to-market.
Technology Leadership
ASE is a primary architect of Heterogeneous Integration (HI)
Our technologies have enabled our customers to create cutting edge products that deliver superior performance, power, speed, and connectivity.
more about HI
Markets Enabled by ASE and Semiconductors
Applications fueled by Semiconductor Innovation
Sustainability Drives the Future
We are building a better world.